This year in the UK, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday 14th March. With just a few weeks to go, it’s the perfect time to start gift hunting. If you usually head for the chocolate and flower aisle in your local supermarket (and who can blame you), it might be time to surprise your nature-loving mum with a thoughtful gift that she’ll appreciate for longer than a few days. It has been a testing year, after all.
The Gardenature team asked our mums to browse our website and pick 10 gifts they’d love to receive this year. Here are the results!
Browning Strike Force HD Trail Camera
The perfect gift for wildlife photography enthusiasts or keen nature watchers.
Trail cameras can be set up in the garden and are activated by movement and even body heat. Whether it’s day or night, you’ll be able to capture all sorts of wildlife roaming your garden or local area – who knows what you might see.
Hedgehog Home with Camera
‘The gardener’s friend’
The hedgehog is known as ‘the gardener’s friend’ as it will eat slugs, beetles, and caterpillars to protect your flowers and plants. Hedgehogs should be treated as welcome visitors to any garden, and they are fascinating creatures to observe.
The camera is pre-installed inside the hedgehog box so that you can see the entrance tunnel and the nesting area. A rewarding and fun way to provide a hedgehog family with a lovely home in your garden.
WARNING: Customers have reported growing somewhat attached to hedgehog families in their garden, naming each one, and generally falling in love.
Bird Box and Feeder Camera System
Our 2 in 1 bird box and feeder camera systems are a great way to make use of a camera system all year round. Put the camera in the bird box during the nesting season and once the chicks have fledged, take down the nest box, put the feeder housing in its place transferring the camera.
It’s the ideal gift to keep a bird-loving Mum happy throughout the year!
Magenta Bat Detector
Bat Detectors are great fun for the whole family. They allow you to detect bat frequencies and identify different bat species.
As well as bats, these detectors can pick up other audible frequencies from insects and animals, including rats who communicate with each other all the time! You just need to google the frequency you are looking for to identify it.
It’s amazing what wildlife you can find all around you, if you listen out for it.
The Kirby Wall Bird Table
A popular choice for bird and garden-loving Mums. The attractive carousel design looks stylish in any size garden and will arrive assembled, so all that’s left to do is mount it to a wall, tree or post.
It’s also available as a standalone bird table, to remove the need for any nails or drills!
Stylish. Functional. Wildlife-friendly.
Squirrel Feeder
A great source of entertainment as you watch squirrels learn how to lift the lid of this feeder to access the food. Squirrel and bird feeders provide a much-needed source of food for wildlife, especially during extreme weather when food and water might be scarce.
Why not treat Mum to a squirrel and a bird feeder and watch the garden come alive with all kinds of wildlife?
Bird, Bee & Bug Hotel
This unique wildlife hotel features four chambers to attract birds, bees and bugs. It’s a great addition to any wildlife-friendly garden and acts as a conservation study centre; perfect for young families with inquisitive children!
A Frame Barn Owl Box
Available with or without a camera, this popular barn owl box follows RSPB guidelines and provides these beautiful creatures with much-needed homes. Once a Barn Owl has chosen its first nest site it is likely to use it again year after year, generation after generation.
It’s the gift that keeps on giving and is sure to be a Mother’s Day winner for any bird-loving Mum.
National Trust Bat Box
Our National Trust Bat Box makes a great addition to the garden and provides much excitement when you witness bats flying in and out of their new home. Contrary to popular belief, they aren’t scary creatures at all.
Why not go all out and treat Mum to a bat detector, too? Then you’ll know exactly which species are in your bat box.
Solitary Bee Hive
Bees are our friends! This interactive solitary bee habitat features stacking trays which can be opened for inspection. It’s a great addition to a garden or allotment as it promotes the pollination of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
Don’t worry, the hole sizes ensure that the habitat only attracts non-swarming bees like the Red Mason Bee, Leafcutter Bee and other solitary bees. These friendly bees are industrious and safe around children and pets.
A fascinating, functional and fun Mother’s Day gift that is certain to sweeten up the day.
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