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SeedBall - Bird mix

SeedBall - Bird mix

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Seedball Bird Mix

Created in collaboration with scientists at the Natural History Museum, this mix includes wildflowers that are perfect for attracting birds to our gardens to feed on seeds and insects. According to the RSPB, a lack of habitat and food abundance has lead to huge decline (over 50% in the last 45 years) of many common UK garden bird species.

Our Bird Mix is designed to feed the birds for you, and is a much more sustainable option to buying bagged bird feed! The careful selection of plants will boost the food supply for a wide range of birds including goldfinches, blue tits, chaffinches, greenfinches, robins, starlings, increasing the number of birds seen in your garden. Whilst in bloom the flowers will attract insects that many birds feed on, while birds will also feed directly on the plants and seeds themselves.

Each ball contains approximately 30 seeds per ball, and each tin will provide coverage for 1 square metre in a garden, or 3-5 medium sized pots. Best scattered in Spring or Autumn.

Corn Marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum)


Height: 51-60cm

Flowers: June to October

Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

A bright red flowering annual - hugely popular and often used as a symbol of remembrance.

Height: 30-60cm.

Flowers: May to July

Geeklet: The remembrance poppy is the common field poppy, one of the first wildflowers to colonise disturbed ground or fallow cornfields. It became identified with the battle zones of the First World War, or Flanders Fields, which were originally corn fields.

Greater Knapweed (Centaurea scabiosa)


Height: 30-100cm

Flowers: July to September

Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)


Height: 10-40cm

Flowers: June to August

Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)


Height: 20-100cm

Flowers: June to August

Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)

Biennial (sometimes annual)

Height: 30-70cm

Flowers: June to August

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